MD4 Foundations
Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF)

Online Donations at or they can be sent to LCIF.
Department 4547 Carol Stream, IL 60122
(630) 203-3836
Student Speakers Foundation

PDG Chris Ohrmund, Secretary
331Spur Trail Ave., Walnut, CA 91789
(H) 909-598-0554 (E)
District Endorsed Charities
City of Hope

Location: 1500 E. Duarte Road, Duarte, CA 91010
Michelle Vigue, Assistant Director Philanthropy (B) 626-218-6560
Nancy Lewis, Director of Development (B) 626-218-6563
1055 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90017
California Lions Friends In Sight
P.O. Box 7, Beaumont, Ca. 92223
(B) 951-845-4559
Ear of the Lion Hearing Foundation
850 San Jose Ave., Clovis, CA 93612
(B) 800-327-8077 or 559-322-5466
(E )
Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc

Development Department
P.O. Box 151200, San Rafael, CA 94915-1200
(B) 800-295-4050
Junior Blind of America

(Wayfinder Family Services)
5300 Angeles Vista, Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90043
(B) 800-352-2290 or 323-295-4555
(F) 323-296-0424
Lions Camp at Teresita Pines

PDG Larry Wehage, President
David Gary, Camp Manager
22801 Big Pines Highway
P.O. Box 98, Wrightwood, CA 92397
(B) 800-585-3245 or 760-249-3580
Lions Eye Foundation of California-Nevada, Inc.

John Posey, Executive Director
Post Office Box 7999, San Francisco, CA 94120-7999
2340 Clay Street, San Francisco
(B) 415-600-3950
Lions Project for Canine Companions for Independence (LPCCI)

P O Box 3896, Santa Rosa, CA 95402-3896
2965 Dutton Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95407
(B) 877-865-7224 or 707-577-1774
(F) 707-577-1711 (E)
Lions Wilderness Camp for Deaf Children, Inc.

Danny Raymond, President
Headquarters, Post Office Box 8, Roseville, Ca 95661
(E )
- California Lions Camp (Camp Pacifica)
- COP (Cancel Out Parkinsons)
- Diabetes Awareness
- Ear of the Lion (The Hearing Foundation)
- Folsom Project for the Visually Impaired
- Guide Dogs of the Desert
- Kases for Kids
- Lions Eye Foundation of California/Nevada, Inc.
- Lions Eyes Across California
- Lions Flag Day
- Lions Float, Inc.
- Lions In Sight of California and Nevada (LIS)
- Lions Low Vision Services Program (L.O.V.E.)
- Lions MedicAlert Children’s Program
- White Cane Days, Inc.
- World Services for the Blind